• M. Durandurdu, "Atomic structure and properties of amorphous boron carbon nitride (BC2N): An ab initio study," Mater. Chem. Phys., vol. 333, p. 130393, 2025.
  • M. Durandurdu, "Pressure-driven structural evolution of amorphous InN," J. Non-Cryst. Solids, vol. 650, p. 123378, 2025.
  • M. Braşoveanu, B. O. Emlek, H. Sabbaghi, K. Kahraman, S. Ö. Muti, F. Sher, et al., "Ionizing Radiation," Starch, pp. 188–213, 2025.
  • M. B. Yigit and A. Cebeci, "Highly Potent New Probiotic Strains from Traditional Turkish Fermented Foods," Curr. Microbiol., vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 1–9, 2025.
  • A. Ibrahim Idrees Ibrahim, M. Aboelgamel, K. Kaan Soylu, S. Top, et al., "Production of high-grade antimony oxide from smelter slag via leaching and hydrolysis process," Elsevier, 2025.
  • D. Senol‐Arslan and A. Gul, "Enhancing oil rejection in PVDF and PSF membranes: The role of SiO2 NPs," J. Appl. Polym. Sci., vol. 142, no. 11, p. e56590, 2025.


  • S. U. Khan, G. O. Eren, N. Atac, A. Onal, M. H. Qureshi, F. K. Cooper, T. Almammadov, S. Kolemen, M. Şahin, and S. Nizamoglu, "Antibacterial type-II InP/ZnO quantum dots via multimodal reactive oxygen species," Chem. Eng. J., vol. 480, p. 148140, 2024.
  • S. Chouef, O. Mommadi, R. Boussetta, M. Hbibi, A. El Moussaouy, M. Şahin, F. Falyouni, and C. A. Duque, "Effects of surface curvature and electric field on electronic and optical properties of an off-center hydrogenic donor impurity in 2D nanostructures," The Eur. Phys. J. Plus, vol. 139, no. 5, p. 381, 2024.
  • M. Durandurdu, "Phase-separated amorphous Si2BN: A computational study," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 137, no. 6, 2024.
  • A. Ö. Ç. Karacaoğlan and M. Durandurdu, "Amorphous to amorphous phase transformation in boron-rich amorphous silicon borides: An ab initio study," High Pressure Res., vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 443–456, 2024.
  • M. Durandurdu, "Amorphous boron carbonitride (BC4N) from ab initio simulations," J. Non-Cryst. Solids, vol. 639, p. 123090, 2024.
  • S. Bolat and M. Durandurdu, "Amorphous Silicon Nanoparticles and Silicon Nanoglasses from Ab Initio Simulations," Silicon, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 4263–4271, 2024.
  • M. Durandurdu, "Amorphous GaN: Polyamorphism and crystallization at high pressure," Comput. Mater. Sci., vol. 241, p. 113062, 2024.
  • M. Durandurdu, "Amorphous carbon nitride (C3N4)," J. Non-Cryst. Solids, vol. 631, p. 122916, 2024.
  • E. Mijit, M. Durandurdu, J. E. F. S. Rodrigues, A. Trapananti, S. J. Rezvani, et al., "Structural and electronic transformations of GeSe2 glass under high pressures studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 121, no. 14, p. e2318978121, 2024.
  • S. Wang, H. Wei, A. Rillaerts, I. Deneme, M. Depriester, S. Manikandan, J. W. Andreasen, A. Daoudi, S. Peralta, S. Longuemart, H. Usta, J. Cornil, Y. Hu, W. Pisula, "N‐Type Molecular Thermoelectrics Based on Solution‐Doped Indenofluorene‐Dimalononitrile: Simultaneous Enhancement of Doping Level and Molecular Order," Adv. Mater. Technol., vol. 10, no. 1, p. 2401131, 2024.
  • Z. Gozutok Onses, N. B. Kiremitler, A. Ozbasaran, X. Huang, M. S. Onses, H. Usta, "Inkjet Printing of Aqueous Silver Inks on Water-Soluble Fabrics for Transient Electronics Applications," ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 5599–5607, 2024.
  • A. Esidir, M. Ren, S. Pekdemir, M. Kalay, N. Kayaci, N. Gunaltay, H. Usta, et al., "Structurally Colored Physically Unclonable Functions with Ultra‐Rich and Stable Encoding Capacity," Adv. Funct. Mater., vol. 2417673, 2024.
  • R. Ozdemir, H. Usta, and G. Demirel, "Organic and Inorganic Semiconducting Materials-Based SERS: Recent Developments and Future Prospects," J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 3854–3864, 2024.
  • I. Deneme, T. A. Yıldız, N. Kayaci, and H. Usta, "The Hansen solubility approach towards green solvent processing: n-channel organic field-effect transistors under ambient conditions," J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 3854–3864, 2024.
  • K. Kahraman and A. Korkut, "Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Starch Nanoparticles," J. Raw Mater. Processed Foods, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 89–103, 2024.
  • H. Koksel, K. Ozkan, Z. H. Tekin-Cakmak, S. Karasu, K. Kahraman, S. Oruc, et al., "A functional barley-based fermented soup (tarhana) with high β-glucan content," Eur. Food Res. Technol., pp. 1–12, 2024.
  • B. Yilmaz, K. Kahraman, and L. Ekici, "Fabrication of Grape Pomace Extract–Loaded Electrospun Nanofiber Films as Active Packaging Material for Walnut," Food Bioprocess Technol., pp. 1–11, 2024.
  • H. Koksel, Z. H. Tekin-Cakmak, K. Ozkan, Z. Pekacar, S. Oruc, K. Kahraman, et al., "A Novel high-amylose wheat-based functional cereal soup (tarhana) with low glycemic index and high resistant starch," J. Cereal Sci., vol. 117, p. 103911, 2024.
  • M. S. Ulutas, E. Aydin, and A. Cebeci, "High carbohydrate diet decreases microbial diversity and increases IL-1β levels in mice colon," Food Sci. Biotechnol., vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 2201–2211, 2024.
  • B. Akkaya, J. Aslan, R. Taşdemir, İ. Erdem, and M. Gönen, "Colloidal Silica Production with Resin from Sodium Silicate and Optimization of Process," Open J. Nano, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2024.
  • D. Saylan and İ. Erdem, "Metal nanoparticles via green synthesis: a new cancer treatment approach," in Cutting-Edge Applications of Nanomaterials in Biomedical Sciences, pp. 112–136, 2024.
  • D. Ş. Arslan, H. Ertap, Z. M. Şenol, N. El Messaoudi, and V. Mehmeti, "Preparation of polyacrylamide titanium dioxide hybrid nanocomposite by direct polymerization and its applicability in removing crystal violet from aqueous solution," J. Polymers Environ., vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 573–587, 2024.
  • D. Senol Arslan and A. Gül, "Enhancing oil rejection in PVDF and PSF membranes: The role of SiO2 NPs," J. Appl. Polym. Sci., vol. 1, no. 1, 2024.
  • E. Köken, "Development of comprehensive predictive models for evaluating Böhme abrasion value (BAV) of dimension stones using non-destructive testing methods," Appl. Sci., vol. 15, no. 1, p. 60, 2024.
  • E. Köken, "Estimating the power draw of grizzly feeders used in crushing–screening plants through soft computing algorithms," Konya J. Eng. Sci., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 100–108, 2024.
  • E. Köken, "Soft computing implementations for evaluating Los Angeles abrasion value of rock aggregates from Kütahya, Turkey," Acta Technica Jaurinensis, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 36–44, 2024.
  • E. Köken and P. Strzałkowski, "A novel evaluation methodology for dimension stone quality," Civ. Environ. Eng. Rep., vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 182–193, 2024.
  • E. Köken and P. Strzałkowski, "Development of soft computing-based predictive tools for estimating the Young's modulus of weak rocks," Civ. Environ. Eng. Rep., vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 182–193, 2024.
  • E. Köken, "Evaluation of the capacity of apron feeders used in crushing–screening plants by response surface methodology and artificial intelligence methods," Mugla J. Sci. Technol., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 142–151, 2024.
  • E. Köken, "Estimating uniaxial compressive strength of pyroclastic rocks using soft computing techniques," J. Mining Environ., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 977–990, 2024.
  • T. K. Koca, M. Kuruoğlu, E. Köken, and C. Kıncal, "Kalabak Tepe Kireçtaşlarının nihai taşıma gücünün farklı analiz yöntemleri ile araştırılması," Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 236–259, 2024.
  • E. Köken, P. Strzałkowski, and U. Kaźmierczak, "Estimation of cohesion for intact rock materials using regression and soft computing analyses," IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., vol. 1295, no. 1, p. 012001, 2024.
  • S. Ozsarac, S. Kurşunoğlu, S. Top, M. Altıner, S. Hussaini, and M. Kaya, "Leaching of a complex Zn-Pb ore in sulfuric acid solution," Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniv. Müh. Bilim. Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 1, 2024.
  • S. Ozsarac, S. Kurşunoğlu, S. Top, M. Altıner, S. Hussaini, H. S. Gökcen, et al., "Leaching of a complex Pb-Zn ore in sulfuric acid solution," Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniv., 2024.
  • M. Altıner, A. I. Ibrahim, S. Kurşunoğlu, S. Top, and O. Bayat, "Characterization of nickel in chromite beneficiation tailings by mineral liberation analysis and its recovery by H2SO4 leaching followed by oxalic acid," JOM, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 1383–1393, 2024.
  • D. Taz, S. Ozsarac, S. Kurşunoğlu, N. Kurşunoğlu, S. Top, and M. Altıner, "A review on the recovery of high-grade critical metals from spent petroleum catalysts for meeting the demands of Industry 5.0," Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environ. Effects, vol. 46, 2024.
  • A. I. Ibrahim, M. Aboelgamel, K. K. Soylu, S. Top, S. Kurşunoğlu, and M. Altıner, "Production of high-grade antimony oxide from smelter slag via leaching and hydrolysis process," Separation Purif. Technol., vol. 354, p. 129355, 2024.
  • F. Soysaldı, D. Dincyurek Ekici, M. Ç. Soylu, and E. Mutlugun, "Electrochemical and optical multi-detection of Escherichia coli through magneto-optic nanoparticles: A pencil-on-paper biosensor," Biosensors, vol. 14, no. 12, p. 603, 2024.
  • N. B. Kiremitler, A. Esidir, G. A. Drake, A. F. Yazici, F. Şahin, I. Torun, M. Kalay, et al., "Tattoo‐like multi‐color physically unclonable functions," Adv. Opt. Mater., vol. 12, no. 12, p. 2302464, 2024.
  • A. F. Yazici, S. Karabel Ocal, A. Bicer, R. B. Serin, R. Kacar, E. Ucar, A. Ulku, et al., "Tailoring quantum dot shell thickness and polyethylenimine interlayers for optimization of inverted quantum dot light-emitting diodes," Photonics, vol. 11, no. 7, p. 651, 2024.


  • Khan, S. U., Eren, G. O., Atac, N., Onal, A., Qureshi, M. H., Cooper, F. K., Almammadov, T., Kolemen, S., Sahin, M., Can, F., Nizamoglu, S. Antibacterial Type-II InP/ZnO quantum dots via multimodal reactive oxygen species. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 148140.
  • Toscano-Negrette, R. G., León-González, J. C., Vinasco, J. A., Morales, A. L., Koc, F., Kavruk, A. E., Sahin, M., ... & Duque, C. A. Optical properties in a ZnS/CdS/ZnS core/shell/shell spherical quantum dot: Electric and magnetic field and donor impurity effects. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(3), 550.
  • Koç, F., Kavruk, A. E., & Sahin, M. Advanced tunability of optical properties of CdS/ZnSe/ZnTe/CdSe multi-shell quantum dot by the band edge engineering. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2023, 145, 115479.
  • Mora-Ramos, M. E., Vinasco, J. A., Radu, A., Restrepo, R. L., Morales, A. L., Sahin, M., Mommadi, O., Sierra-Ortega, J., Escorcia-Salas, G. E., & Duque, C. A. Elliptical Quantum Rings with Variable Heights and under Spin–Orbit Interactions, 2023, Condensed Matter. 8(3): 82. 
  • Mora-Ramos, M. E., Vinasco, J. A., Radu, A., Restrepo, R. L., Morales, A. L., Sahin, M., Mommadi, O., Sierra-Ortega, J., Escorcia-Salas, G. E., Heyn, C., Duque, D. A., & Duque, C. A. Double Quantum Ring under an Intense Nonresonant Laser Field: Zeeman and Spin-Orbit Interaction Effects, 2023, Condensed Matter. 8(3): 79.
  • Yıldız, T. A., & Durandurdu, M. Ab initio study of boron‐rich amorphous boron carbides. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2023, 106(5), 2862-2874.
  • Karacaoğlan, A. Ö. Ç., & Durandurdu, M. Possible boron-rich amorphous silicon borides from ab initio simulations, 2023, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 29(4), 92.
  • Karacaoğlan, A. Ö. Ç., & Durandurdu, M. Boron-rich amorphous boron oxides from ab initio simulations, 2023, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 604, 122130.
  • Can, A., Deneme, I., Demirel, G., & Usta, H. Solution-Processable Indenofluorenes on Polymer Brush Interlayer: Remarkable N-Channel Field-Effect Transistor Characteristics under Ambient Conditions, 2023, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(35), 41666-41679.
  • Liman, G., Ergene, E., Yildiz, E., Hukum, K. O., Yilgor Huri, P., Cetin, A. E., Usta, H., Demirel, G. Dynamic Tuning of Plasmonic Hot‐Spot Generation through Cilia‐Inspired Magnetic Actuators, 2023, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2200420.
  • Gulcimen, S., Ozcan, O., Çevik, S. B., Kahraman, K., & Uzal, N. Comparative life cycle assessment of retort pouch and aluminum can for ready-to-eat bean packaging, 2023, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 25(6), 3723-3733.
  • Li, X., Franczyk, A., Kahraman, K., House, J. D., & Koksel, F. Effects of extrusion cooking on the nutritional quality of puffed snacks made from blends of barley and green lentil flours, 2023, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-9.
  • Koksel, H., Cetiner, B., Shamanin, V. P., Tekin-Cakmak, Z. H., Pototskaya, I. V., Kahraman, K., ... & Morgounov, A. I. Quality, Nutritional Properties, and Glycemic Index of Colored Whole Wheat Breads, 2023, Foods, 12(18), 3376.
  • ALKAN, F. Theoretical investigation of steric effects on the S1 potential energy surface of o-carborane-anthracene derivatives, 2023, Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 47(3), 646-655.
  • Yurtseven, O., Ibrahim, A. I. I., Top, S., Kursunoglu, S., & Altiner, M. Recovery of Vanadium and Nickel from a High CaCO3 Containing Petroleum Coke Ash by Roasting and Acidic Leaching, 2023, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 1-15.
  • Hussaini, S., Tita, A. M., Kursunoglu, S., Top, S., & Kaya, M. Recovery of Lead and Zinc from a Citric Leach Solution of a Non-sulfide Type Ore Flotation Tailing via Precipitation Followed by Solvent Extraction, 2023, JOM, 1-12.
  • Hussaini, S., Tita, A. M., Kursunoglu, S., Kursunoglu, N., Top, S., & Kaya, M. Post-Leaching of Silver from a Non-Sulfide Lead–Zinc Ore Flotation Tailing Leach Residue in a Copper–Ammonium Thiosulfate Solution: A Fuzzy Logic Prediction, 2023, Journal of Mining Science, 59(2), 320-330.
  • Kursunoglu, S., Top, S., Altiner, M., Ozsarac, S., & Kaya, M. Recovery of Lithium from Spent Coin-Type Lithium Manganese Dioxide CR Cells by Acidic Leaching in the Presence of Potassium Permanganate as Oxidant, 2023, JOM, 75(2), 370-380.
  • Vapur, H., Top, S., & Altiner, M. A distinctive determination of circular nozzles in downcomer for column flotation, 2023, Particulate Science and Technology, 1-8.
  • Al-Dhubaibi, A. M. A., Vapur, H., Top, S., & Sivrikaya, O. Concentration study of a specularite ore via shaking table, reverse flotation, and microwave-assisted magnetic separation, 2023, Particulate Science and Technology, 41(5), 749-760.
  • Strzałkowski, P., Köken, E., & Sousa, L. Guidelines for Natural Stone Products in Connection with European Standards, 2023, Materials, 16(21), 6885.
  • Duchnowska, M., Strzałkowski, P., Bakalarz, A., Kaźmierczak, U., Köken, E., Karwowski, P., ... & Stępień, T. Influence of Basalt Aggregate Crushing Technology on Its Geometrical Properties—Preliminary Studies, 2023, Materials, 16(2), 602.
  • Erkartal, M. Unveiling the multifaceted properties of a 3d covalent-organic framework: Pressure-induced phase transition, negative linear compressibility and auxeticity, 2023, Computational Materials Science, 227, 112275.
  • Duden, E. I., Gurcan Bayrak, K., Balkan, M., Cakan, N., Demiroglu, A., Ayas, E., Caglar, M., Turan, S., Islamoglu, T., Farha, O. K., Erkartal, M.,Sen, U. Boosting the Ceramics with In Situ MOF-Derived Nanocarbons, 2023, ACS Materials Letters, 5, 6, 1537-1545.
  • Erkartal, M. Extreme flexibility and unusual piezomechanical properties of zinc-alkyl-based metal-organic frameworks: A first principles study, 2023, Materials Today Communications, 35, 106054.
  • Senol‐Arslan, D., Gul, A., Dizge, N., Ocakoglu, K., & Uzal, N. The different impacts of g‐C3N4 nanosheets on PVDF and PSF ultrafiltration membranes for Remazol black 5 dye rejection, 2023, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 140(41), e54514.
  • Arslan, D. Ş., Ertap, H., Şenol, Z. M., El Messaoudi, N., & Mehmeti, V. Preparation of polyacrylamide titanium dioxide hybrid nanocomposite by direct polymerization and its applicability in removing crystal violet from aqueous solution, 2023, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 1-15.
  • Savas, M., Yazıcı, A. F., Arslan, A., Mutlugün, E., & Erdem, T. Toward sustainable optoelectronics: solution-processed quantum dot photodetector fabrication using a surgical blade, 2023, Optical Engineering, 62(2), 027102-027102.
  • Kiremitler, N. B., Esidir, A., Drake, G. A., Yazici, A. F., Sahin, F., Torun, I., Kalay, M., Kelestemur, Y., Demir, H. V., Shim, M., Mutlugun, E., & Onses, M. S. Tattoo‐Like Multi‐Color Physically Unclonable Functions, 2023, Advanced Optical Materials. 2302464.
  • Dadi, S., Temur, N., Gul, O. T., Yilmaz, V., & Ocsoy, I. In Situ Synthesis of Horseradish Peroxidase Nanoflower@Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Nanobiocatalysts with Greatly Enhanced Catalytic Activity, 2023, Langmuir. 39(13): 4819–4828.
  • Aslan, T., Dadi, Ş., Kafdag, O., Temur, N., Ildiz, N., Ocsoy, I., & Ustun, Y. Rational design of EDTA-incorporated nanoflowers as novel and effective endodontic disinfection against biofilms. Odontology. 2023
  • Dadi, S., Cardoso, M. H., Mandal, A. K., Franco, O. L., Ildiz, N., & Ocsoy, I. Natural Molecule‐Incorporated Magnetic Organic‐Inorganic Nanoflower: Investigation of Its Dual Fenton Reaction‐Dependent Enzyme‐Like Catalytic Activities with Cyclic Use, 2023, ChemistrySelect. 8(13): e202300404.


  • Köken, E., Tuncay, E.B. A Probability-Based Evaluation on Andesites for Their Use as Cladding Stone. Journal of Mining and Environment, 2022, 13, 1, 1-13.
  • Wang, Z., Alkan, F., Aikens, C.M., Kurmoo, M., Zhang, Z.-Y., Song, K.-P., Tung, C.-H., Sun, D. An Ultrastable 155-Nuclei Silver Nanocluster Protected by Thiacalix[4]arene and Cyclohexanethiol for Photothermal Conversion, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2022, 61, 31.
  • Erdem, T., Soran-Erdem, Z., Isik, F., Shabani, F., Yazici, A.F., Mutlugün, E., Gaponik, N., Demir, H.V. Color Enrichment Solids of Spectrally Pure Colloidal Quantum Wells for Wide Color Span in Displays, 2022, Advanced Optical Materials, 10, 14.
  • Köken, E., Kadakçı Koca, T. Evaluation of Soft Computing Methods for Estimating Tangential Young Modulus of Intact Rock Based on Statistical Performance Indices, 2022. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 40, 7, 3619-3631.
  • Köken, E., Başpınar Tuncay, E. Assessment of Rock Aggregate Quality Through Fuzzy Inference System, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2022, 40, 7, 3551-3559.
  • Kaya, İ.C., Ozdemir, R., Usta, H., Sonmezoglu, S. A dopant-free 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (C8-BTBT)-based hole transporting layer
    for highly stable perovskite solar cells with efficiency over 22%, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 23, 12464-12472.
  • Babacan Cevik, S., Kahraman, K., Ekici, L. Production of oven-baked wheat chips enriched with red lentil: an optimization study by response surface methodology, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022, 59, 6, 2243-2254.
  • Karabel Ocal, S., Kiremitler, N.B., Yazici, A.F., Celik, N., Mutlugun, E., Onses, M.S. Natural Wax-Stabilized Perovskite Nanocrystals as Pen-on-Paper Inks and Doughs, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 5, 6201-6212.
  • Oskaybaş-Emlek, B., Özbey, A., Aydemir, L.Y., Kahraman, K. Production of buckwheat starch-myristic acid complexes and effect of reaction conditions on the physicochemical properties, X-ray pattern and FT-IR spectra, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 207, 978-989.
  • Can, A., Facchetti, A., Usta, H. Indenofluorenes for organic optoelectronics: the dance of fused five- and six-membered rings enabling structural versatility, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10, 2, 8496-8535.                               
  • Strzałkowski, P., Köken, E. Assessment of Böhme Abrasion Value of Natural Stones through Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Materials, 2022, 15, 7, 2533.                      
  • Kayaci, N., Ozdemir, R., Kalay, M., Kiremitler, N.B., Usta, H., Onses, M.S., Organic Light-Emitting Physically Unclonable Functions, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 14, 108675
  • Can, A., Choi, G.-S., Ozdemir, R., Park, S., Park, J.S., Lee, Y., Deneme, I., Mutlugun, E., Kim, C., Kim, B.J., Usta, H. Meso-π-Extended/Deficient BODIPYs and Low-Band-Gap Donor-Acceptor Copolymers for Organic Optoelectronics, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022, 4, 3, 1991-2005.
  • Moschetto, S., Benvenuti, E., Usta, H., Ozdemir, R., Facchetti, A., Muccini, M., Prosa, M., Toffanin, S. Interplay between Charge Injection, Electron Transport, and Quantum Efficiency in Ambipolar Trilayer Organic Light-Emitting Transistors, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 9, 5, 2101926                                                              
  • Top, S., Altiner, M., Kursunoglu, S. Separation of Mn and Fe from a Manganiferous Iron Ore Using Horse Dung as Reductant: A Zero Waste Approach, JOM, 2022, 74, 2, 474-483.
  • Altiner, M., Top, S., Bouchekrit, C., Kursunoglu, S. Production of Mn3O4 nanoparticles from a manganiferous iron ore via reductive leaching, precipitation, and calcination, Hydrometallurgy, 2022, 208, 105810
  • Ayhan, M.M., Özcan, E., Alkan, F., Çetin, M., Ün, İ., Bardelang, D., Çoşut, B. External complexation of BODIPYs by CB[7] improves in-cell fluorescence imaging, Materials Advances, 2022, 3, 1, 547-553.
  • Tahaoǧlu, D., Usta, H., Alkan, F. Revisiting the Role of Charge Transfer in the Emission Properties of Carborane-Fluorophore Systems: A TDDFT Investigation, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2022
  • Usta, H., Facchetti, A. Paper-based substrates for sustainable (opto)electronic devices, Sustainable Strategies in Organic Electronics, 2022, 339-390.
  • Köken, E., Lawal, A.I., Onifade, M., Özarslan, A. A Comperative Study on Power Calculation Methods for Conveyor Belts in Mining Industry, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2022, 36, 1, 26-45.
  • Senol-Arslan, D. Isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics of pb(ii) adsorption by crosslinked chitosan/sepiolite composite, Polymer Bulletin, 2022, 79(6), pp. 3911–3928
  • Durandurdu M. Amorphous BC5 from first principles calculations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2022, 15;592:121743.


  • Tahaoğlu, D., Alkan, F., Durandurdu, M. Theoretical investigation of substituent effects on the relative stabilities and electronic structure of [BnXn] 2− clusters. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2021, 27, 12, 1-11.
  • Durandurdu, M. Formation of a very high-density amorphous phase of carbon and its crystallization into a simple cubic structure at high pressure. Computational Materials Science, 2021, 200, 110822.
  • Bolat, S., Durandurdu, M. Amorphous boron phosphide: An ab initio investigation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2021, 570, 121006.
  • Bolat, S., Durandurdu, M. Amorphous zircon at high pressure. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2021, 153, 109991.
  • Eren, G. O., Sadeghi, S., Bahmani Jalali, H., Ritter, M., Han, M., Baylam, I., Melikov, R., Onal, A., Oz, F., Sahin, M., Ow-Yang, C. W., Sennaroglu, A., Lechner, R.T., Nizamoglu, S. Cadmium-free and efficient type-ii InP/ZnO/ZnS Quantum dots and their application for LEDs. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 27, 32022-32030.
  • Karatum, O., Eren, G. O., Melikov, R., Onal, A., Ow-Yang, C. W., Sahin, M. Nizamoglu, S. Quantum dot and electron acceptor nano-heterojunction for photo-induced capacitive charge-transfer. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, 1, 1-9.
  • Kayaci, N., Ozdemir, R., Kalay, M., Kiremitler, N. B., Usta, H. Onses, M. S. Organic Light‐Emitting Physically Unclonable Functions. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2108675.
  • Usta, H., Cosut, B., Alkan, F. Understanding and Tailoring Excited State Properties in Solution-Processable Oligo (p-phenyleneethynylene) s: Highly Fluorescent Hybridized Local and Charge Transfer Character via Experiment and Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, 125, 42, 11717-11731.
  • Deneme, I., Liman, G., Can, A., Demirel, G. Usta, H. Enabling three-dimensional porous architectures via carbonyl functionalization and molecular-specific organic-SERS platforms. Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 1, 1-11.
  • Korkut, A., Kahraman, K. Production of cross-linked resistant starch from tapioca starch and effect of reaction conditions on the functional properties, morphology, X‑ray pattern, FT-IR spectra and digestibility. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2021, 15, 2, 1693-1702.
  • Oskaybaş-Emlek, B., Özbey, A., Kahraman, K. (2021). Effects of germination on the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of lentil and its utilization potential in cookie-making. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-11.
  • Babacan Cevik, S., Kahraman, K., Ekici, L. Production of oven-baked wheat chips enriched with red lentil: an optimization study by response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 1-12.
  • Alkan, F., Aikens, C. M. Understanding the Effect of Symmetry Breaking on Plasmon Coupling from TDDFT. 2021, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
  • Altiner, M., Top, S., Bouchekrit, C., Kursunoglu, S. Production of Mn3O4 nanoparticles from a manganiferous iron ore via reductive leaching, precipitation, and calcination. Hydrometallurgy, 2021, 105810.
  • Hussaini, S., Tita, A. M., Kursunoglu, S., Top, S., Ichlas, Z. T., Kar, U. Kaya, M. Pb-Zn recovery from a malic leach solution of a carbonate type ore flotation tailing by precipitation and solvent extraction. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 272, 118963.
  • Hussaini, S., Ichlas, Z. T., Top, S., Kursunoglu, S. Kaya, M. Selective leaching of a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate in sulphuric acid solution with potassium permanganate as oxidant. Separation Science and Technology, 2021, 56, 14, 2475-2484.
  • Hussaini, S., Kursunoglu, S., Top, S., Ichlas, Z. T. Kaya, M. Testing of 17-different leaching agents for the recovery of zinc from a carbonate-type Pb-Zn ore flotation tailing. Minerals Engineering, 2021, 168, 106935.
  • Kursunoglu, S., Hussaini, S., Top, S., Ichlas, Z. T., Gokcen, H. S., Ozsarac, S. Kaya, M. Production of mixed rare earth oxide powder from a thorium containing complex Bastnasite ore. Powder Technology, 2021, 379, 641-654.
  • Kursunoglu, S., Kursunoglu, N., Hussaini, S. Kaya, M. Selection of an appropriate acid type for the recovery of zinc from a flotation tailing by the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 283, 124659.
  • Foroutan‐Barenji, S., Erdem, O., Delikanli, S., Yagci, H. B., Gheshlaghi, N., Altintas, Y., Demir, H. V. Single‐Mode Lasing from a Single 7 nm Thick Monolayer of Colloidal Quantum Wells in a Monolithic Microcavity. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2021, 15, 4, 2000479.
  • Yu, J., Sharma, M., Li, M., Delikanli, S., Sharma, A., Taimoor, M., Altintas, Y., McBride, J.R., Kusserow, T., Sum, T., Demir, H.V., Dang, C. Low‐Threshold Lasing from Copper‐Doped CdSe Colloidal Quantum Wells. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2021, 15, 6, 2100034.
  • Gheshlaghi, N., Foroutan-Barenji, S., Erdem, O., Altintas, Y., Shabani, F., Humayun, M. H. Demir, H. V. Self-Resonant Microlasers of Colloidal Quantum Wells Constructed by Direct Deep Patterning. Nano Letters, 2021, 21, 11, 4598–4605
  • Humayun, M. H., Hernandez‐Martinez, P. L., Gheshlaghi, N., Erdem, O., Altintas, Y., Shabani, F. Demir, H. V. Near‐Field Energy Transfer into Silicon Inversely Proportional to Distance Using Quasi‐2D Colloidal Quantum Well Donors. Small, 2021, 17, 41, 2103524.
  • Shabani, F., Dehghanpour Baruj, H., Yurdakul, I., Delikanli, S., Gheshlaghi, N., Isik, F., Liu, B., Altintas, Y., Canımkurbey, B., Demir, H. V. Deep‐Red‐Emitting Colloidal Quantum Well Light‐Emitting Diodes Enabled through a Complex Design of Core/Crown/Double Shell Heterostructure. Small, 2021, 2106115.
  • Şenol, Z. M., Şimşek, S., Özer, A. Arslan, D. Ş. Synthesis and characterization of chitosan–vermiculite composite beads for removal of uranyl ions: isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamics studies. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2021, 327, 1, 159-173.
  • Senol-Arslan, D. Isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics of pb (ii) adsorption by crosslinked chitosan/sepiolite composite. Polymer Bulletin, 2021, 1-18.
  • Lawal, A. I., Oniyide, G. O., Kwon, S., Onifade, M., Köken, E. Ogunsola, N. O. Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Coal from Non-destructive Properties: A Comparative Application of MARS, ANN, and GA. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30, 6, 4547-4563.
  • Köken, E., Lawal, A. I., Onifade, M. Özarslan, A. A comparative study on power calculation methods for conveyor belts in mining industry. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2021, 1-20.
  • Köken, E. Lawal, A. I. Investigating the effects of feeding properties on rock breakage by jaw crusher using response surface method and gene expression programming. Advanced Powder Technology, 2021, 32, 5, 1521-1531.
  • Qu, J., Wang, J., Batugin, A., Zhu, H., Köken, E., Mihaela, C. L., Zhang, Y. Roles of curing conditions on properties of soil reinforced with palm fiber and lime. Emerging Materials Research, 2021, 10, 1, 90-102.
  • Köken, E. Size reduction characterization of underground mine tailings: A case study on sandstones. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30, 867-887.
  • Sen, U., Ozdemir, M., Erkartal, M., Kaya, A. M., Manda, A. A., Oveisi, A. R., Tokumasu, T. Mesoscale Morphologies of Nafion-Based Blend Membranes by Dissipative Particle Dynamics. Processes, 2021, 9, 6, 984.
  • Sabzevari, Z., Sahraei, R., Jawhar, N. N., Yazici, A. F., Mutlugun, E. Soheyli, E. Long-time stable colloidal Zn–Ag–In–S quantum dots with tunable midgap-involved emission. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129, 6, 063107.
  • Soheyli, E., Zargoush, S., Yazici, A. F., Sahraei, R. Mutlugun, E. Highly luminescent ZnCdTeS nanocrystals with wide spectral tunability for efficient color-conversion white-light-emitting-diodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54, 50, 505110.
  • Karacaoğlan A.Ö., Durandurdu, M. A First Principles Study of Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Tetraboride. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2021, 123928.
  • Altıner, M., Top, S., Kaymakoğlu B. Ultrasonic-assisted production of precipitated calcium carbonate particles from desulfurization gypsum. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 72, 105421.


  • Sadeghi, S., Melikov, R., Sahin, M., Nizamoglu, S. Cation exchange mediated synthesis of bright Au@ ZnTe core–shell nanocrystals. Nanotechnology, 2020, 32, 2, 025603.
  • Akman, E., Altintas, Y., Gulen, M., Yilmaz, M., Mutlugun, E., Sonmezoglu, S. Improving performance and stability in quantum dot-sensitized solar cell through single layer graphene/Cu2S nanocomposite counter electrode. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145, 2192-2200.
  • Altintas, Y., Liu, B., Hernández-Martínez, P.L., Gheshlaghi, N., Shabani, F., Sharma, M., Wang, L., Sun, H., Mutlugun, E., Demir, H.V. Spectrally Wide-Range-Tunable, Efficient, and Bright Colloidal Light-Emitting Diodes of Quasi-2D Nanoplatelets Enabled by Engineered Alloyed Heterostructures. Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 18, 7874-7883.
  • Aribas, M., Kahraman, K. and Koksel, H. Effects of resistant starch type 4 supplementation of bread on in vitro glycemic index value, bile acid‐binding capacity, and mineral bioavailability. Cereal Chemistry, 2020, 97, 2, 163-171.
  • Aribas, M., Kahraman, K. and Koksel, H. In vitro glycemic index, bile acid binding capacity and mineral bioavailability of spaghetti supplemented with resistant starch type 4 and wheat bran. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 65, 103778.
  • Erdem, O., Foroutan, S., Gheshlaghi, N., Guzelturk, B., Altintas, Y. and Demir, H.V. Thickness-Tunable Self-Assembled Colloidal Nanoplatelet Films Enable Ultrathin Optical Gain Media. Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 9, 6459-6465.
  • Erdem, T., Yang, L., Xu, P., Altintas, Y., O’Neil, T., Caciagli, A., Ducati, C., Mutlugun, E., Scherman, O.A. and Eiser, E. Transparent films made of highly scattering particles. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 4, 911-918.
  • Foroutan‐Barenji, S., Erdem, O., Gheshlaghi, N., Altintas, Y. and Demir, H.V. Optical Gain in Ultrathin Self‐Assembled Bi‐Layers of Colloidal Quantum Wells Enabled by the Mode Confinement in their High‐Index Dielectric Waveguides. Small, 2020, 16, 45, 2004304.
  • Ho, D., Jeong, H.Y., Le, M.N., Usta, H., Kwon, H.I., Kim, M.G. and Kim, C. Microstructural modulation of organic passivation layers for metal oxide semiconductors to achieve high bias stability. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 32, 11209-11222.
  • Hussaini, S., Ichlas, Z.T., Top, S., Kursunoglu, S. and Kaya, M. Selective leaching of a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate in sulphuric acid solution with potassium permanganate as oxidant. Separation Science and Technology, 2020, 1-10.
  • Kaplan, M., Kale, H., Kardes, Y.M., Karaman, K., Kahraman, K., Yılmaz, M.F., Temizgül, R. and Akar, T. Characterization of local sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) population grains in terms of nutritional properties and evaluation by GT biplot approach. Starch‐Stärke, 2020, 72, 3-4, 1900232.
  • Kaya, M., Hussaini, S., Kursunoglu, S. Critical review on secondary zinc resources and their recycling technologies. Hydrometallurgy, 2020, 195, 105362.
  • Kiremitler, N.B., Torun, I., Altintas, Y., Patarroyo, J., Demir, H.V., Puntes, V.F., Mutlugun, E., Onses, M.S. Writing chemical patterns using electrospun fibers as nanoscale inkpots for directed assembly of colloidal nanocrystals. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 2, 895-903.
  • Köken, E. Evaluation of size reduction process for rock aggregates in cone crusher. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79, 4933-4946.
  • Köken, E. Investigations on Fracture Evolution of Coal Measure Sandstones from Mineralogical and Textural Points of View. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 2020, 50, 6, 1024-1040.
  • Köken, E., Top, S., Özarslan, A. Assessment of Rock Aggregate Quality Through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38, 5075-5096.
  • Kursunoglu, S., Top S., Kaya, M. Recovery of zinc and lead from Yahyali non-sulphide flotation tailing by sequential acidic and sodium hydroxide leaching in the presence of potassium sodium tartrate. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020, 30, 12, 3367-3378.
  • Liu, B., Altintas, Y., Wang, L., Shendre, S., Sharma, M., Sun, H., Mutlugun, E., Demir, H.V. Record High External Quantum Efficiency of 19.2% Achieved in Light‐Emitting Diodes of Colloidal Quantum Wells Enabled by Hot‐Injection Shell Growth. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 8, 1905824.
  • Liu, Z., Alkan, F., Aikens, C.M. TD-DFTB study of optical properties of silver nanoparticle homodimers and heterodimers. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 153, 14, 144711.
  • Ozdemir, R., Ahn, K., Deneme, İ., Zorlu, Y., Kim, D., Kim, M.G., Usta, H. Engineering functionalized low LUMO [1] benzothieno [3, 2-b][1] benzothiophenes (BTBTs): unusual molecular and charge transport properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 43, 15253-15267.
  • Saki, S., SenolArslan, D., Uzal, N. Fabrication and characterization of silane‐functionalized Na‐bentonite polysulfone/polyethylenimine nanocomposite membranes for dye removal. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137, 36, 49057.
  • Severcan, S.S., Uzal, N., Kahraman, K. Clarification of Apple Juice Using New Generation Nanocomposite Membranes Fabricated with TiO2 and Al2O3 Nanoparticles. (2020) Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13, 3, 391-403.
  • Severcan, S.S., Uzal, N., Kahraman, K. Clarification of pomegranate juice using PSF microfiltration membranes fabricated with nano TiO2 and Al2O3. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020, 44, 8, 45-59.
  • Tabatabaii, M., Khajeh, M., Oveisi, A.R., Erkartal, M., Sen, U. Poly (lauryl methacrylate)-Grafted Amino-Functionalized Zirconium-Terephthalate Metal–Organic Framework: Efficient Adsorbent for Extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water Samples. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 21, 12202-12209.
  • Usta, H., Alimli, D., Ozdemir, R., Tekin, E., Alkan, F., Kacar, R., Altas, A.G., Dabak, S., Gürek, A.G., Mutlugun, E., Yazici, A.F. A hybridized local and charge transfer excited state for solution-processed non-doped green electroluminescence based on oligo (p-phenyleneethynylene). Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 24, 8047-8060.
  • Kharabaneh, F. K., Ghavidel, E., Soheyli, E., Yazici, A. F., Jawhar, N. N., Mutlugun, E. Sahraei, R. Rational design of chemical bath deposition technique for successful preparation of Mn-doped CdS nanostructured thin films with controlled optical properties. Ceramics International, 2020, 47, 4, 5523-5533
  • Xu, P., Yazici, A. F., Erdem, T., Lekkerkerker, H. N., Mutlugun, E. Eiser, E. Osmotic-Pressure-Induced Nematic Ordering in Suspensions of Laponite and Carboxy Methyl Cellulose. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2020, 124, 42, 9475–9481
  • Jawhar, N. N., Soheyli, E., Yazici, A. F., Mutlugun, E. Sahraei, R. Preparation of highly emissive and reproducible Cu–In–S/ZnS core/shell quantum dots with a mid-gap emission character. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 824, 153906. 
  • Altintas, Y., Torun, I., Yazici, A. F., Beskazak, E., Erdem, T., Onses, M. S. Mutlugun, E. Multiplexed patterning of cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by additive jet printing for efficient white light generation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 380, 122493.
  • Sadeghi, S., Melikov, R., Sahin, M., Nizamoglu, S. Cation Exchange Mediated Synthesis of Bright Au@ ZnTe Core-shell Nanocrystals. Nanotechnology, 2020, 32, 2, 025603.
  • Durandurdu, M. Liquid and amorphous states of boron subarsenide. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103, 1, 176-82.
  • Erkartal, M., Durandurdu, M. Pressure-induced amorphization, mechanical and electronic properties of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8). Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 240, 122222.
  • Durandurdu, M. Tetrahedral amorphous boron nitride: A hard material. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103, 2, 973-978.
  • Durandurdu, M. High pressure modifications in amorphous boron suboxide: An ab initio study. Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 5, 5968-5975.
  • Yıldız T.A., Durandurdu, M. Amorphous boron carbide from ab initio simulations. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 173, 109397.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous silicon hexaboride at high pressure. Philosophical Magazine, 2020, 17, 1-6.
  • Durandurdu, M. Ab initio simulation of amorphous BC3. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 178, 109622.
  • Karacaoğlan, A.Ö., Durandurdu, M. Amorphous silicon triboride: A first principles study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2020, 536, 119995.
  • Yıldız T.A., Durandurdu, M. Stoichiometric amorphous boron carbide (BC). Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 30, 14709-14716.
  • Yılmaz, T., Ercikdi, B., Cihangir, F. Evaluation of the neutralization performances of the industrial waste products (IWPs) in sulphide-rich environment of cemented paste backfill. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 258, 110037.
  • Yılmaz, T., Ercikdi, B., Deveci, H. Evaluation of geochemical behaviour of flooded cemented paste backfill of sulphide-rich tailings by dynamic-tank leaching test. International Journal of Mining, 2020, Reclamation and Environment, 1-20.
  • Türk, M., Altıner, M., Top, S., Karaca, S. Bouchekrit, C. Production of Alpha-Alumina from Black Aluminum Dross Using NaOH Leaching Followed by Calcination. JOM, 2020, 72, 3358-3366.
  • Top, S., Kurşunoğlu, S. Ichlas, Z. T. Effects of leaching parameters on the dissolution of nickel, cobalt, manganese and iron from Caldag lateritic nickel ore in hydrochloric acid solution. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2020, 59, 3, 368-376.
  • Top, S., Vapur, H., Altıner, M., Kaya, D. Ekicibil, A. Properties of fly ash-based lightweight geopolymer concrete prepared using pumice and expanded perlite as aggregates. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2020, 1202, 127236.
  • Top, S. Separation of Fe and Mn from Manganiferous Iron Ores via Reductive Acid Leaching Followed by Magnetic Separation. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2020, 37, 297-309.​
  • Vapur, H., Top, S., Altiner, M., Uçkun, Ş., Sarikaya, M. Comparison of iron ores upgraded with Falcon concentrator and magnetic separators assisted by coal reduction-conversion process. Particulate Science and Technology, 2020, 38, 4, 409-418.
  • Erdem, İ., Çiftçioğlu, M., Modification of surface charge characteristics for unsupported nanostructure titania-zirconia UF/NF membrane top layers with calcination temperature. Journal of Australian Ceramic Society, 2020, 56, 1, 203-215.
  • Saki S., Senol Arslan D., Uzal N., Fabrication and characterization of silane-functionalized Na-bentonite PSF/PEI nanocomposite membranes for dye removal. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137, 36, 1-12.
  • Şükrü, U., Musa, S., Top, S. İrfan, T. Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater Solution Using a Mechanically Activated Novel Zeolitic Material. Journal of Mining Science, 2020, 56, 6, 1010-1023.
  • Top, S., Kursunoglu, S. Ichlas, Z. T. Effects of leaching parameters on the dissolution of nickel, cobalt, manganese and iron from Caldag lateritic nickel ore in hydrochloric acid solution. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2020, 59, 3, 368-376.


  • Torun, I., Altintas, Y., Yazici, A. F., Mutlugun, E. Onses, M. S. Solid-state encapsulation and color tuning in films of cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals for white light generation. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2, 3, 1185-1193.
  • Jalali, H.B., Sadeghi, S., Sahin, M., Ozturk, H., Ow-Yang, C. W., Nizamoglu, S. Colloidal aluminum antimonide quantum dots. Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31, 13, 4743-4747.
  • Koç, F., Sahin, M. The electronic and optical properties of an exciton, biexciton and charged excitons in CdSe/CdTe-based multi-shell type-II quantum dot nanocrystals. Applied Physics A, 2019, 125, 10, 705.
  • Gülveren, B., Şahin, M., Atav, Ü. The ground state properties of two dimensional Fermi gas system confined in a potential composed of harmonic and a Gaussian terms. Chemical Physics, 2019, 517, 48-53. 
  • Durandurdu, M. Phase transition of ZrN under pressure. Philosophical Magazine, 2019,  99, 8, 942-955.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous boron suboxide. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102, 8, 4546-4554.
  • Bolat, S., Durandurdu, M. Very low density amorphous phase of zircon. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019,  513, 137-143.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous boron arsenide. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 524, 119656.
  • Altıner, M., Top, S., Kaymakoglu, B., Seçkin, İ. Y. Vapur, H. Production of precipitated calcium carbonate particles from gypsum waste using venturi tubes as a carbonation zone. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2019, 29, 117-125.
  • Erdem, İ., Çiftçioğlu, M., The surface charge of unsupported nano-structured titania ceramic membrane top layers with varying calcination temperatures. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2019, 54, 1, 145-148.
  • Senol Arslan, D. Measurement of colloidal forces between glass sphere and colemanite surface in NaCl aqueous electrolytes. Open Journal of Nano, 2019, 4, 12-20.
  • Karataş, D., Senol Arslan, D., Kursun I., Ozdemir O. Coating mechanism of AUNPS onto sepiolite by experimental research and MD simulation. Coatings, 2019, 9, 12, 1-17.
  • Hasdemir, Z. M., Senol Arslan, D., Simsek S., Preparation and characterization of a novel diatomite-based composite and investigation of its adsorption properties for uranyl ions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 321, 3, 99, 791-803.
  • Kursunoglu, S. Synergistic effect of organic acid on the dissolution of mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate in sulphuric acid solution. Metallurgical Research&Technology, 2019,  116.3: 319.


  • Tahaoğlu, D., Durandurdu, M. Permanent densification of amorphous zinc oxide under pressure: A first principles study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 481, 27-32.
  • Durandurdu, M. MgCu metallic glass. Philosophical Magazine, 2018, 98, 8, 633-645.
  • Çetin, A.Ö., Durandurdu, M. Hard boron rich boron nitride nanoglasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2018, 101, 5, 1929-1239.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous zirconia at high pressure. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2018, 101, 12, 5411-5418.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous magnesium silicide. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 498, 118-124.
  • Erkartal, M., Durandurdu, M. Pressure‐Induced Amorphization of MOF‐5: A First Principles Study. ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 28, 8056-8063.
  • Erkartal M, Durandurdu M. An in-depth investigation of Mg-Zn-Ca metallic glasses: A first principles study. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 153, 326-337.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous silicon hexaboride: a first-principles study. Philosophical Magazine, 2018, 98, 30, 2723-2733.
  • Tahaoğlu, D., Durandurdu, M. Solute aggregation in Ca72Zn28 metallic glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018,  500, 410-416.
  • Üçhöyük, T.A., Durandurdu, M. Hydrogenated amorphous boron nitride: A first principles study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 502, 159-163.
  • Üçhöyük, T.A., Durandurdu, M. Hydrogenated amorphous boron nitride: A first principles study, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 502,  159-163.
  • Sahin, M. Effect of the shell material and confinement type on the conversion efficiency of core/shell quantum dot nanocrystal solar cells Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2018,  30.20, 205301.
  • Bahmani Jalali, H., Mohammadi Aria, M., Dikbas, U.M., Sadeghi, S., Ganesh Kumar, B., Sahin, M., Kavakli, I.H., Ow-Yang, C.W., Nizamglu, S. Effective Neural Photostimulation Using Indium-Based Type-II Quantum Dots. ACS Nano., 2018,  12. 8, 8104–8114.
  • Okumus, B.N., Tacer-Caba, Z., Kahraman, K., Nilufer-Erdil, D. Resistant starch type V formation in brown lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) starch with different lipids/fatty acids. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240,  550-558
  • Mutlu, S., Kahraman, K., Severcan, S., Öztürk, S. Modelling the Effects of Debranching and Microwave Irradiation Treatments on the Properties of High Amylose Corn Starch by Using Response Surface Methodology. Food Biophysics, 2018,  13.3,  263-273
  • Kursunoglu, S., Ichlas, Z.T., Kaya, M. Dissolution of lateritic nickel ore using ascorbic acid as synergistic reagent in sulphuric acid solution. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), 2018,  28.8,  1652-1659.
  • Ozdemir, R., Park, S., Deneme, İ., Park, Y., Zorlu, Y., Alidagi, H.A., Harmandar, K., Kim, C., Usta, H. Triisopropylsilylethynyl-substituted indenofluorenes: Carbonyl: versus dicyanovinylene functionalization in one-dimensional molecular crystals and solution-processed n-channel OFETs. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5.20,  2912-2924.
  • Ozdemir, M., Kim, S.W., Kim, H., Kim, M.-G., Kim, B.J., Kim, C., Usta, H. Semiconducting Copolymers Based on meso-Substituted BODIPY for Inverted Organic Solar Cells and Field-Effect Transistors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 4.10,  1700354
  • Khalily, M.A., Usta, H., Ozdemir, M., Bakan, G., Dikecoglu, F.B., Edwards-Gayle, C., Hutchinson, J.A., Hamley, I.W., Dana, A., Guler, M.O. The design and fabrication of supramolecular semiconductor nanowires formed by benzothienobenzothiophene (BTBT)-conjugated peptides. Nanoscale, 2018,  10.21,  9987-9995.
  • Demirel, G., Usta, H., Yilmaz, M., Celik, M., Alidagi, H.A., Buyukserin, F. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS): An adventure from plasmonic metals to organic semiconductors as SERS platforms. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6.20,  5314-5335.
  • Choi, B.D., Park, J., Baeg, K.-J., Kang, M., Heo, J.S., Kim, S., Won, J., Yu, S., Ahn, K., Lee, T.H., Hong, J., Kim, D.-Y., Usta, H., Kim, C., Park, S.K., Kim, M.-G. Optimized Activation of Solution-Processed Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 4.1, 1700386.
  • Okumus, B.N., Tacer-Caba, Z., Kahraman, K., Nilufer-Erdil, D. Resistant starch type V formation in brown lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) starch with different lipids/fatty acids. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240,  550-558.
  • Altintas, Y., Kiremitler, N.B., Genc, S., Onses, M.S., Mutlugün, E. FRET enabled light harvesting within quantum dot loaded nanofibers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51.6, 065111.
  • Ozdemir, M., Kim, S.W., Kim, H., Kim, M.-G., Kim, B.J., Kim, C., Usta, H. Semiconducting Copolymers Based on meso-Substituted BODIPY for Inverted Organic Solar Cells and Field-Effect Transistors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 4.10: 1700354.


  • Khaskheli, A. A., Talpur, F. N., Cebeci Aydin, A., Jawaid, S., Surhio, M. A. Afridi, H. I. One-pot conjugated linoleic acid production from castor oil by Rhizopus oryzae lipase and resting cells of Lactobacillus plantarum. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 2017, 81.10, 2002-2008.
  • Durandurdu, M. Densification of amorphous boron under pressure. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, 471,  274-279.
  • Durandurdu, M. Two successive amorphous-to-amorphous phase transformations in TiO2. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2017, 100.9,  3903-3911.
  • Durandurdu, M. Ferromagnetism in amorphous MgO. Philosophical Magazine, 2017 97.24,  2129-2141.
  • Durandurdu, M. Amorphous zirconia: ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Philosophical Magazine, 2017, 97.16,  1334-1345.
  • Durandurdu, M. High-density amorphous phase of CdO. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, 463,  64-67.
  • Altintas, Y., Talpur, M.Y., Mutlugun, E. The effect of ligand chain length on the optical properties of alloyed core-shell InPZnS/ZnS quantum dots. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 711,  335-341.
  • Altintas, Y., Faruk Yazici, A., Unlu, M., Dadi, S., Genc, S., Mutlugun, E. Excitonic interaction amongst InP/ZnS salt pellets. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5.29,  7328-7336.
  • Altintas, Y., Talpur, M.Y., Mutlugün, E. Cd-free quantum dot pellets for efficient white light generation. Optics Express, 2017, 25.23,  28371-28384.
  • Koç, F., Koksal, K., Sahin, M. Effect of a buffer layer between the shell and ligand on the optical properties of an exciton and biexciton in type-II quantum dot nanocrystals. Philosophical Magazine, 2017, 97.3,  201-211.
  • Öncan, M., Koç, F., Sahin, M., Köksal, K. The angular electronic band structure and free particle model of aromatic molecules: High-frequency photon-induced ring current. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017, 31.13, 1750095.
  • Cetiner, B., Acar, O., Kahraman, K., Sanal, T., Koksel, H. An investigation on the effect of heat-moisture treatment on baking quality of wheat by using response surface methodology. Journal of Cereal Science, 2017, 74,  103-111.
  • Mutlu, S., Kahraman, K., Öztürk, S. Optimization of resistant starch formation from high amylose corn starch by microwave irradiation treatments and characterization of starch preparations. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 95,  635-642.
  • Tataroğlu, A., Al-Sehemi, A.G., Özdemir, M., Özdemir, R., Usta, H., Al-Ghamdi, A.A., Farooq, W.A., Yakuphanoglu, F. Frequency and electric field controllable photodevice: FYTRONIX device. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2017, 519,  53-58.
  • Yilmaz, M., Erkartal, M., Ozdemir, M., Sen, U., Usta, H., Demirel, G. Three-Dimensional Au-Coated Electrosprayed Nanostructured BODIPY Films on Aluminum Foil as Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Platforms and Their Catalytic Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9.21,  18199-18206.
  • Liguori, R., Usta, H., Fusco, S., Facchetti, A., Licciardo, G.D., DI Benedetto, L., Rubino, A. Insights into Interface Treatments in p-Channel Organic Thin-Film Transistors Based on a Novel Molecular Semiconductor. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017, 64.5,  2338-2344.
  • Ozdemir, R., Choi, D., Ozdemir, M., Kim, H., Kostakoğlu, S.T., Erkartal, M., Kim, H., Kim, C., Usta, H. A Solution-Processable Liquid-Crystalline Semiconductor for Low-Temperature-Annealed Air-Stable N-Channel Field-Effect Transistors. ChemPhysChem, 2017, 18.7,  850-861.
  • Kim, K., Kim, Y., Yang, J., Ha, K.-S., Usta, H., Lee, J., Kim, C. Enhanced mass transfer rate and solubility of methane via addition of alcohols for Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b fermentation. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 46,  350-355.
  • Ozdemir, M., Choi, D., Zorlu, Y., Cosut, B., Kim, H., Kim, C., Usta, H. A new rod-shaped BODIPY-acetylene molecule for solution-processed semiconducting microribbons in n-channel organic field-effect transistors. New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41.14,  6232-6240.
  • Erkartal, M., Erkilic, U., Tam, B., Usta, H., Yazaydin, O., Hupp, J.T., Farha, O.K., Sen, U. From 2-methylimidazole to 1,2,3-triazole: a topological transformation of ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 by post-synthetic modification. Chemical Communications, 2017, 53.12,  2028-2031.
  • Ozdemir, R., Choi, D., Ozdemir, M., Kwon, G., Kim, H., Sen, U., Kim, C., Usta, H. Ultralow bandgap molecular semiconductors for ambient-stable and solution-processable ambipolar organic field-effect transistors and inverters. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5.9,  2368-2379.
  • Yilmaz, M., Babur, E., Ozdemir, M., Gieseking, R.L., Dede, Y., Tamer, U., Schatz, G.C., Facchetti, A., Usta, H., Demirel, G. Nanostructured organic semiconductor films for molecular detection with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Nature Materials, 2017, 16.9,  918-924.
  • Altıntas, Y., Talpur, M.Y., Mutlugün, E. Efficient Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Donors of In(Zn)P/ZnS Quantum Dots. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121.5,  3034-3043.
  • Kursunoglu, S., Ichlas, Z.T., Kaya, M. Solvent extraction process for the recovery of nickel and cobalt from Caldag laterite leach solution: The first bench scale study. Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 169, 135-141.
  • Kursunoglu, S., Ichlas, Z.T., Kaya, M. Leaching method selection for Caldag lateritic nickel ore by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Hydrometallurgy, 2017,  171,  179-184.


  • Cetinbas, N. M., Sudderth, J., Harris, R. C., Cebeci, A., Negri, G. L., Yılmaz, Ö. H., DeBerardinis, R.J., Sorensen, P. H. Glucose-dependent anaplerosis in cancer cells is required for cellular redox balance in the absence of glutamine. Scientific reports, 2016, 6.1, 1-12.
  • Akturk, A., Koksal, K., Tas, H.Sahin, M. The electronic and optical properties of a triexciton in CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dot nanocrystals. Philosophical Magazine, 2016, 96.6, 584-595.
  • Altintas, Y., Genc, S., Talpur, M.Y., Mutlugun, E. CdSe/ZnS quantum dot films for high performance flexible lighting and display applications. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27.29, 295604.
  • Altıntas Y., Talpur M. Y., Unlu M., and  Mutlugun E.* Highly Efficient Cd-Free Alloyed Core/Shell Quantum Dots with Optimized Precursor Concentrations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120.14, 7885–789.
  • Öztürk, E., Aksöz, S., Altintas, Y., Keşlioğlu, K., Maraşlı, N. Experimental measurements of some thermophysical properties of solid CdSb intermetallic in the Sn–Cd–Sb ternary alloy. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 126.3,  1059-1065.
  • Durandurdu, M. Pressure-induced phase transformations in amorphous arsenic. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016, 437,  6-9.
  • Durandurdu, M. Local structure of As2O3 glass from first principles simulations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,2016, 436,  18-21.
  • Erkartal, M., Usta, H., Citir, M., Sen, U. Proton conducting poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/ poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) (PAMPS)/ zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF) ternary composite membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 499,  156-163.
  • Altintas Y., Kaygısız Y., Ozturk E., Aksoz S., Keslioglu K., Marasli N. The measurements of electrical and thermal conductivity variations with temperature and phonon component of the thermal conductivity in the Sn-Cd-Sb, Sn-In-Cu, Sn-Ag-Bi and Sn-Bi-Zn alloys. International Journal of Thermal Science, 2016, 100, 1-9.
  • Altintas Y., Aksoz S., Keslioglu K., Marasli N. The experimental determination of thermophysical properties of intermetallic CuAl2 phase in equilibrium with Al-Cu-Si liquid. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamic, 2016, 97,  228–234.


  • Durandurdu, M. Hexagonal nanosheets in amorphous BN: A first principles study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 427,  41-45.
  • Durandurdu, M. Novel high-pressure phase of ZrO2: An ab initio prediction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 230,  233-236.
  • Durandurdu, M. Liquid boron and amorphous boron: An ab initio molecular dynamics study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 417-418,  10-14.
  • Durandurdu, M. Atomic structure of amorphous CdO from first principles simulations. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 412,  11-15.
  • Durandurdu, M. Uncovering nanoclusters in amorphous AlN: An ab initio study. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, 98.4,  1095-1098.
  • Durandurdu, M. High-pressure phase transitions of TiN: An ab initio constant pressure study. Philosophical Magazine, 2015, 95.22,  2376-2384.
  • Aydin, R., Tas, H., Sahin, M. The intersubband optical properties of a two-electron quantum dot-quantum well heterostructure. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2015, 86,  292-299.
  • Ozdemir, M., Genc, S., Ozdemir, R., Altintas, Y., Citir, M., Sen, U., Mutlugun, E., Usta, H. Trans-cis isomerization assisted synthesis of solution-processable yellow fluorescent maleic anhydrides for white-light generation. Synthetic Metals, 2015, 210,  192-200.
  • Elgazzar, E., Ozdemir, M., Usta, H., Al-Ghamdi, A.A., Dere, A., El-Tantawy, F., Yakuphanoglu, F. Logarithmic organic photodetectors. Synthetic Metals, 2015, 210,  288-296.
  • Canlier, A., Ucak, U.V., Usta, H., Cho, C., Lee, J.-Y., Sen, U., Citir, M. Development of highly transparent Pd-coated Ag nanowire electrode for display and catalysis applications. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 350,  79-86.
  • Yilmaz, M., Ozdemir, M., Erdogan, H., Tamer, U., Sen, U., Facchetti, A., Usta, H., Demirel, G. Micro-/Nanostructured Highly Crystalline Organic Semiconductor Films for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Applications. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25.35,  5669-5676.
  • Figà, V., Chiappara, C., Ferrante, F., Casaletto, M.P., Principato, F., Cataldo, S., Chen, Z., Usta, H., Facchetti, A., Pignataro, B. Symmetric naphthalenediimidequaterthiophenes for electropolymerized electrochromic thin films. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3.23,  5985-5994.
  • Loffredo, F., Grimaldi, I.A., Miscioscia, R., Nenna, G., Villani, F., Minarini, C., Petrosino, M., Rubino, A., Usta, H., Facchetti, A. Photosensing properties of pentacene OFETs based on a novel PMMA copolymer gate dielectric. IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 2015, 11.6,  533-540.
  • Sen, U., Usta, H., Acar, O., Citir, M., Canlier, A., Bozkurt, A., Ata, A. Enhancement of anhydrous Proton conductivity of poly(vinylphosphonic acid)-poly(2,5-benzimidazole) membranes via in situ polymerization. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 216.1,  106-112.
  • Ozdemir, M., Choi, D., Kwon, G., Zorlu, Y., Kim, H., Kim, M.-G., Seo, S., Sen, U., Citir, M., Kim, C., Usta, H. Design, synthesis, and characterization of α,ω-disubstituted indeno[1,2-b]fluorene-6,12-dione-thiophene molecular semiconductors. Enhancement of ambipolar charge transport through synthetic tailoring of alkyl substituents. RSC Advances, 2015, 6.1,  212-226.
  • Erdem, İ., Ciftcioglu, M. Influence of calcination temperature on microstructure and surface charge of membrane top layers composed of zirconia nanoparticles. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 2015, 51.1,  134-138.
  • Kahraman, K., Koksel, H., Ng, P.K.W. Optimisation of the reaction conditions for the production of cross-linked starch with high resistant starch content. Food Chemistry, 2015, 174,  173-179.
  • Güngörmüş C., Kolankaya D., Aydin E. Histopathological and Biomechanical Evaluation of Tenocyte Seeded Allografts on Rat Achilles Tendon Regeneration. Biomaterıals, 2015, 51, 108-118 
  • Khaskheli A.A., Talpur F.N., Ashraf M.A., Cebeci Aydin A., Jawaid S., Afridi H.I., Monitoring The Rhizopus Oryzae Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis Of Castor Oil By Atr-Ftir Spectroscopy. Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 2015, 113, 56-61.
  • Altintas Y., Aksoz S., Keslioglu K., Marasli N. Determination of thermodynamic properties of aluminum based binary and ternary alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 649, 453-460.
  • Altintas Y., Ozturk E., Aksoz S., Keslioglu K., Marasli N. Experimental Determination of Interfacial Energies for Solid Sn inEquilibrium with Sn-Mg-Zn Liquid. Metals and Materials International, 2015, 21.2, 286-294.
  • Altintas Y., Ozturk E., Aksoz S., Keslioglu K., Marasli N. Thermal conductivity and interfacial energy of solid Biin the Bi–Ag eutectic system. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015,122.1, 65-72.
  • Ersoy Ş.B., Altintas Y.,  Karadağ S.B., Aksöz S., Keşlioğlu K. , Maraşlı N. Solid–liquid interfacial energy of solid succinonitrile in equilibrium with succinonitrile-1,4-diiodobenzene eutectic liquid. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 119.3, 1867-1874.
  • Altintas Y., Ozturk E., Aksoz S., Keslioglu K., Marasli N. The Experimental Determination of Interfacial Energies for Solid Zn in Equilibrium with Zn-Al-Sb Liquid. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2015, 46.5, 2084-2095.


  • Goldberg, M., Manzi, A., Aydin, E., Singh, G., Khoshkenar, P., Birdi, A., LaPorte, B., Krauskopf, A., Powell, G., Chen, J., Langer, R. Development of a nanoparticle-embedded chitosan sponge for topical and local administration of chemotherapeutic agents. Journal of nanotechnology in engineering and medicine, 2014, 5.4.
  • Durandurdu, M. New high-pressure phase of MgH2: An ab initio constant-pressure study. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2014, 105.4, 46001. 
  • Kavruk, A.E., Sahin, M., Atav, Ü. A detailed investigation of electronic and intersubband optical properties of AlxGa1-xAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As/Al yGa1-yAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multi-shell quantum dots. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014,  47.29, 295302.
  • Aktürk, A., Sahin, M., Koc, F., Erdinc, A. A detailed investigation of electronic and optical properties of the exciton, the biexciton and charged excitons in a multi-shell quantum dot nanocrystal. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014, 47.28, 285301.
  • Koc, F., Sahin, M. Electronic and optical properties of single excitons and biexcitons in type-II quantum dot nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115.19, 193701.
  • Usta, H., Sheets, W.C., Denti, M., Generali, G., Capelli, R., Lu, S., Yu, X., Muccini, M., Facchetti, A. Perfluoroalkyl-functionalized thiazole-thiophene oligomers as N-channel semiconductors in organic field-effect and light-emitting transistors. Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26.22,  6542-6556.
  • Fabiano, S., Usta, H., Forchheimer, R., Crispin, X., Facchetti, A., Berggren, M. Selective remanent ambipolar charge transport in polymeric field-effect transistors for high-performance logic circuits fabricated in ambient. Advanced Materials, 2014, 26.44,  7438-7443.


  • Khaskheli, A. A., Talpur, F. N., Demir, A. S., Cebeci, A. Jawaid, S. A highly selective whole cell biocatalysis method for the production of two major bioactive conjugated linoleic acid isomers. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2013, 2.4, 328-332.
  • Durandurdu, M Atomic structure of amorphous Mg40Cu35Ti25 alloy: An ab initio molecular dynamics study. Solid State Communications, 2013, 154.1,  30-33.
  • Emre Kavruk, A., Sahin, M., Koc, F. Linear and nonlinear optical properties of GaAs/AlxGa 1-x As/GaAs/AlyGa1-y As multi-shell spherical quantum dot. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114.18, 183704,
  • Aydin, R., Sahin, M. The electronic properties of a two-electron multi-shell quantum dot-quantum well heterostructure. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114.4, 043706
  • Sahin, M., Koç, F. A model for the recombination and radiative lifetime of trions and biexcitons in spherically shaped semiconductor nanocrystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102.18, 183103.
  • Usta, H., Yilmaz, M.D., Avestro, A.-J., Boudinet, D., Denti, M., Zhao, W., Stoddart, J.F., Facchetti, A. BODIPY-thiophene copolymers as p-Channel semiconductors for organic thin-film transistors. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25.31,  4327-4334.
  • Ceylan, H., Ozgit-Akgun, C., Erkal, T.S., Donmez, I., Garifullin, R., Tekinay, A.B., Usta, H., Biyikli, N., Guler, M.O. Size-controlled conformal nanofabrication of biotemplated three-dimensional TiO2 and ZnO nanonetworks. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3.1, 1-7.
  • Lu, S., Drees, M., Yao, Y., Boudinet, D., Yan, H., Pan, H., Wang, J., Li, Y., Usta, H., Facchetti, A. 3,6-Dithiophen-2-yl-diketopyrrolo[3,2- b ]pyrrole (isoDPPT) as an Acceptor Building Block for Organic Opto-Electronics. Macromolecules, 2013, 46.10,  3895-3906.
  • Guo, X., Quinn, J., Chen, Z., Usta, H., Zheng, Y., Xia, Y., Hennek, J.W., Ortiz, R.P., Marks, T.J., Facchetti, A. Dialkoxybithiazole: A new building block for head-to-head polymer semiconductors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135.5, 1986-1996


  • Taş, H.Şahin, M. The inter-sublevel optical properties of a spherical quantum dot-quantum well with and without a donor impurity. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112.5, 053717.
  • Huang, H., Chen, Z., Ortiz, R.P., Newman, C., Usta, H., Lou, S., Youn, J., Noh, Y.-Y., Baeg, K.-J., Chen, L.X., Facchetti, A., Marks, T. Combining electron-neutral building blocks with intramolecular 'Conformational Locks' affords stable, high-mobility P- and N-channel polymer semiconductors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134.26, 10966-10973.
  • Durandurdu, M. Ab initio modeling of metallic Pd 80Si 20 glass. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 65,  44-47.
  • Tetik, E., Durandurdu, M., Karada, F. Nanoscale icosahedral packing in amorphous Mg 50Ni 50: An ab initio study. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2012, 100.2, 26002
  • Durandurdu, M. Nanosize icosahedral quasicrystal in Mg 90Ca 10 glass: An ab initio molecular dynamics study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137.3, 034503,
  • Şahin, M., Köksal, K. The linear optical properties of a multi-shell spherical quantum dot of a parabolic confinement for cases with and without a hydrogenic impurity. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2012, 27.12, 125011,
  • Köksal, K., Şahin, M. The effect of dilute nitrogen on nonlinear optical properties of the InGaAsN/GaAs single quantum wells. European Physical Journal B, 2012, 85.10, 333.
  • Akgül, S., Şahin, M., Köksal, K. A detailed investigation of the electronic properties of a multi-layer spherical quantum dot with a parabolic confinement. Journal of Luminescence, 2012, 132.7,  1705-1713.
  • Şahin, M., Tek, F., Erdin, A. The photoionization cross section of a hydrogenic impurity in a multi-layered spherical quantum dot. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111.8, 084317,
  • Taş, H., Şahin, M. The electronic properties of a core/shell/well/shell spherical quantum dot with and without a hydrogenic impurity. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111.8, 083702,
  • Şahin, M., Nizamoglu, S., Yerli, O., Volkan Demir, H. Reordering orbitals of semiconductor multi-shell quantum dot-quantum well heteronanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111.2, 023713.
  • Usta, H., Newman, C., Chen, Z., Facchetti, A. Dithienocoronenediimide-based copolymers as novel ambipolar semiconductors for organic thin-film transistors. Advanced Materials, 2012, 24.27,  3678-3684.
  • Huang, H., Chen, Z., Ortiz, R.P., Newman, C., Usta, H., Lou, S., Youn, J., Noh, Y.-Y., Baeg, K.-J., Chen, L.X., Facchetti, A., Marks, T. Combining electron-neutral building blocks with intramolecular "conformational locks" affords stable, high-mobility P- and N-channel polymer semiconductors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134.26,  10966-10973.
  • Usta, H., Kim, C., Wang, Z., Lu, S., Huang, H., Facchetti, A., Marks, T.J.  Anthracenedicarboximide-based semiconductors for air-stable, n-channel organic thin-film transistors: Materials design, synthesis, and structural characterization. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22.10,  4459-4472.